“In computing, Smishing is a form of criminal activity using social engineering techniques similar to phishing. The name is derived from "SMs phISHING". SMS (Short Message Service) is the technology used for text messages on cell phones.
Similar to phishing, smishing uses cell phone text messages to deliver the "bait" to get you to divulge your personal information. The "hook" (the method used to actually "capture" your information) in the text message may be a web site URL, however it has become more common to see a phone number that connects to automated voice response system.”
Sue and I are enjoying a nice long visit with our kids and their kids. We were celebrating birthday number two with the great-grandson. Eventually a bunch of us are sitting around the table, just catching up on the family business.
At this point in the story I’ll change some of the names here so as to not embarrass the guilty since I love my daughters-in-law .... and they schedule the visitation rights with the grandkids.
I’m sitting with Sue, our youngest son (Ross), his wife (Red), our other daughter-in-law (Laverne), our 11 year old granddaughter (Sara), our oldest son (Jim).
Part of the way through the conversation I notice that Laverne seems to be texting with someone. Wanting to be friendly, while carrying on a conversation with my wife and Ross, I slip my phone under the table and text “Hi!” to Laverne. She’ll see it’s from me and sneer at me across the table. I know this because she loves me and sneers at me a lot.
Bing! Goes her phone.
She reads my text, gets a confused look on her face and says “Someone just texted “Hi!” to me and I don’t recognize the phone number.
Huh. She doesn’t have me in her phone. Close family here.
Red says, in an urgent voice “Don’t respond! They’re just after your social security number!!!!”.
Huh? Wait!
And the bobber tickles the smooth water like a feather.
The two of them start talking about smishing and how the bad guys try to get your financial information.
But it’s just me!
So, trying to be helpful, I text Laverne “What is your social security number?”.
Bing! Goes her phone.
Laverne says “Now he wants to know my social security number!”.
“See?!?!?!?” says Red.
And the bobber goes all the way under water!
More smishing conversation ensues.
I’m getting a real kick out of this, just listening into today’s conspiracy theory.
As my beautiful, and very intelligent daughters-in-law (visitation rights! visitation rights!) continue the discussion I figure at some point they have to recognize that the texts are coming from someone sitting at the table. Gee, I wonder who that could be?
Wanting to give them a hint, I text Laverne “Do you love me?”.
Laverne holds up her phone and says “Now he wants to know if I love him!”.
And the bobber disappears from sight with a strong tug on the line!!
This brings her husband, my oldest son, into the conversation. He says “Laverne, is there something you want to tell me?”. They start talking about the pervert who is texting my daughter-in-law when my son says “Well, I hope he stops texting us because it costs us money every time he does”.
Toss me an easy one why don’t you?
Bing! “How much does it cost you to text?”, Laverne reports to the table.
And the line ZINGS from the reel as the phish makes a run for it!!!
Now they examine the phone number trying to decipher the texter. “Hmmmm” they say “it’s a 703 area code. That’s Virginia! Who do we know that lives in Virginia” they ponder. And ponder. And ponder. But don’t crack the code, as Sue and her smartass husband sit there, at the same table, visiting from .... VIRGINIA!!!
Casually, in a sneaky underhanded way, our 11 year old granddaughter has cracked the code. She apparently saw me looking under the table, snuck around behind me in an underhanded way, and saw me texting. She then strolls over, in a sneaky underhanded way, to Laverne and whispers in her ear. They both look up at me, and Laverne does NOT look happy.
And the line snaps!
Bing! Goes MY phone.
I look at the text that says “U R an asshole”.
I don’t even have to look at the sender’s name to know that Laverne has replied, and is probably sneering at me.
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