It was a typical day for a collection of Wild Hog Wannabes, out riding their motorcycles on a beautiful fall day.
Enjoying the wind, the road, the noise, and the typical shenanigans that a bunch of middle-aged adolescents, with varying degrees of discretionary capital, grown kids and knack for screwing with each other could come up with. After a several hour ride, some good food and a lot of laughs, we all arrived back in town and started to head for our respective garages to put up the bikes until the following weekend, in hopes of doing it all over again.
It was about this time that the plan came to light in the minds of one particular couple… whose names may have been classified to protect their guilty status. They had previously planned to pull a prank on one of their fellow riders, and riding buddy of a few years and several good road trips… including Sturgis 2008. On this particular evening, The “Prankee” decided he needed to run a few errands and peeled off from the group, creating the window of opportunity.
The Dastardly Duo hastily rode home to secure their supplies and then proceeded to the home of their unsuspecting friend. Upon arriving at this home, the duo put the plan in motion. With the assistance of other friends in low places, the Duo had secured a significant amount of Police Crime Scene tape. This was stretched around the front yard of the house and across the front stoop, giving the appearance that something significant happened during the owner’s absence. The duo also sketched some pretty cheesy chalk outlines in the driveway, including one of a midget… you know, a little person! (The Prankee has a thing for little people… you’ll need another story for that, no time here.) Once these were in place, an “Official Notice” was posted asking the home owner to turn himself into the Police… Officer Judy FrontButt of The South Dakota State Police to be exact. Officer FrontButt is somewhat of an icon at the previously mentioned Sturgis event. Like the little people, that too is another story.
The Duo returned home and awaited “The Call”. 7 Pm rolled past, 8, 9, 10, 11…. The call never came. Thinking he may have figured it out, the Duo went off to bed with the idea their plan went awry.
The call came the following morning….
And then the fun began…
It seems the Prankee arriving home about 1 am… and not having his reading glasses… and an obvious guilty conscience… the Prankee panicked and honestly thought he had to go to jail. The Prank worked far better than ever imagined. The Prankee left his house and went back to the home of the friends where he had been playing cards all evening and woke them up to relay his findings. He then had this couple drive him back home, with plans to pick up a couple things and then it would be off to JAIL!
Of course it is now about 2 am, and the phone calls start.
First call… made to ex-wife… to make sure she was in town and could post bail.
Second call… the lawyer… who said she doesn’t handle this type of thing. KaChing!
Third call… second lawyer… who was referred by the first. KaChing!! KaChing!!
Fourth call… the boss… to call in sick for a couple days until he got things worked out.
Fortunately… once they arrived back at the house, with someone who could read, the truth was learned and prank came to full realization. The pictures tell the rest of the story.
One supposes that this prank actually worked out better than expected, though paybacks cab be a little rough.
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